Kevin Edgerton at Express Chiropractic Alamo Heights is the only Level 3 Medical Fascial Stretch Therapist within San Antonio, Texas. Kevin began his journey into the FST world three years ago when he attended Level 1 which is a full 5-days of hands-on instruction.
The training begins with the principles, theories, and evidence-based scientific data regarding hands-on mobility and fascial stretching. We compared and contrast FST with other forms of manual and assisted stretch therapy, including its proven ability to enhance nervous system response, increase strength, and improve mobility and balance. For those that want the BEST pain-free hands-on stretching from practitioners certified in FST, visit the “Find a Practitioner” page at
Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST™) is a complete, full-body functional mobility restoration system created by Ann Frederick and Chris Frederick, PT. Medical and other professionals use FST as a neuromyofascial manual and movement therapy. Personal trainers, movement instructors and others use FST for assisted mobilization, stretching and corrective movement training. All use FST for optimal performance in sports and life, as well as to enhance the body’s natural ability to heal itself and recover.
What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?
Fascial Stretch Therapy (or FST), is a type of stretching that targets not only the muscles, but the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and joints. FST also targets the entire joint and joint capsule, using traction to remove restrictions from movement and to stimulate lubrication. A therapist will gently pull and move the arms, legs, spine, and neck in a smooth motion through varying planes of movement. There is no pain, not even discomfort. Instead, the gentle movement is stimulating and relaxing at the same time.
Benefits of FST
- Improved Body Alignment and Posture
- Increased Flexibility and Mobility
- Increased Balance and Coordination
- Increased Strength and Endurance
- Increased Energy
- Increased Circulation
- Decreased Compression and Pinching in Joints and Nerves
- Improved Joint, Muscle and Nerve function
- Achieve Pain-Free Movement
- Enhanced Performance